We have become convinced that among all other alternatives, electric mobility based on rapid charging solutions is an essential component in the fight against climate change. Offering new, economical, and efficient charging solutions to potential users is a key factor in facilitating the adoption of electric vehicles by the masses.
From its beginning, IES Synergy has actively contributed to the electrification of our modes of transport, whether within the vehicles themselves in the industrial market, assisting in the development of new solutions with automobile manufacturers, or facilitating charging in public spaces with operators, communities, or brands.
Concerned also by the impact of our activities on the environment, we have undertaken concrete measures to reduce our industrial footprint. This is particularly manifested through a comprehensive management of our waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), cardboard, and chemical waste, collaborating with local recycling providers. We have also optimized our energy consumption. Now, 100% of our purchased electricity comes exclusively from renewable energy sources.
Convinced that our development is primarily through people, numerous means have been put in place to encourage the personal development of our employees. Through satisfaction surveys, annual individual interviews, an active training policy, working groups on our shared values, a secure and pleasant work environment, we encourage all initiatives so that our employees can express their full potential. Our recruitment policy promotes diversity, a source of wealth for the development of our activities.
As of 02/28/2023, the gender pay equality index of IES Synergy is 84/100.

Ethics are also at the heart of our priorities and practices. A code of conduct shared with all our employees, subcontractors, and service providers is our reference for business practices respectful of human rights and the environment.
To involve our suppliers in our actions, we have established a responsible purchasing charter that sets clear standards in CSR. In addition, we have developed a CSR questionnaire specifically designed for our suppliers and subcontractors. This questionnaire allows us to evaluate their CSR performance, understand their current practices, and collaborate with them to improve their environmental, social, and ethical impact.
We aspire to actively encourage our subcontractors and suppliers to adopt a CSR approach consistent with our own commitments to sustainability. Our goal is to collaborate with suppliers and subcontractors who share our values and commitment to ethical business practices, responsible environmental management, and social responsibility.
CSR Report 2023
CSR Policy 2024
QSS Policy 2024
Conflict minerals Policy